Choose your ideal IDUN GUARDIAN® package

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IDUN Guardian Package Configurator

How Many CE Devices Would You Like?

The CE version of the IDUN Guardian is certified (CE, UKCA, FCC) and costs 1299.- per device.

Would you like to gain access to our real-time classifiers?

Our real-time classifiers, accessible via our Python SDK or public API, enable immediate insights from in-ear EEG signals. The jaw-clench classifier detects muscular activity, the eye-movement classifier identifies directional gaze (left vs. right), and the frequency band classifier separates the EEG signal into brain wave bands (e.g., delta, theta, alpha, beta) in real time, to enable building custom neuroadaptive systems.

Would You Like Spare Eartips? - 50.- per set


Need clarification?

What is EEG?

EEG (Electroencephalography) is a technique that records the brain's electrical activity using sensors placed on the scalp or in the ear (like us!). It is commonly used to diagnose and monitor conditions like epilepsy, sleep disorders, and brain function, as well as in research and neurotechnology applications.

I don’t know anything about EEG, can i still work with the IDUN Guardian?

Yes, you can still work with the IDUN Guardian. Our device comes with an extensive list of classifiers that analyze the raw EEG data for you, such as frequency band classification, jaw clench, and eye movement detection, making it easy to develop applications even without prior EEG knowledge.

Is in-ear eeg a reliable method of measuring eeg?

Yes, in-ear EEG is a reliable method for measuring EEG. It provides accurate brain activity data comparable to traditional scalp EEG, making it suitable for various applications like focus tracking, fatigue detection, and sleep monitoring.

What is the difference between in-ear EEG and a traditional Full Scalp set up?

In-ear EEG measures brain activity using sensors in the ear, offering convenience and comfort, while traditional full scalp EEG uses multiple sensors placed on the scalp for broader spatial recognition. In-ear EEG is less obtrusive and easier to use but may not capture the same level of detailed spatial information as a full scalp setup.

Does it have audio?

Not at the moment, but audio functionality will be available by the end of the year. Currently, the earbuds have an air canal, so external sounds are not blocked out.

Need Audio? Sign up to our waitlist now!

--> IDUN Guardian w. Audio Waitlist <--

Is the IDUN Guardian CE certified?

The IDUN Guardian is an investigational research device currently available for research and evaluation purposes. CE certification is expected by Q4 2024. Sign up for early access if you can work with an IDE.

Join our waitlist today for certification updates!

--> IDUN Guardian w. Certification <--

How many channels does the IDUN Guardian have?

The IDUN Guardian is a single-channel EEG device that records the signal from within the ear.